Steven Page 7
He shrugged. “I knew from the first she wasn’t mine. I never slept with your sister.” He said the words as if they meant nothing. “We only went out a couple of times before I found out she was sleeping with someone else.”
“But….why? Why did you want us to move in here then? Why have you been paying me to take care of my own niece?” She shook her head as if nothing made sense in her world anymore. She was devastated, and found herself angrier with her sister than she’d been in a long time.
He sighed. He hadn’t wanted it to come to this. “You came to my door with nowhere to go. You had a baby in your arms who wasn’t even yours. I have the room, and I have the money. How could I turn you away?” He paused. “I was so attracted to you from the first, all I could think about was I had to find a way to make you stay.” He turned his hands up and held them out in front of her as if he was looking for her to say something. Anything.
“I see.” She stood, her eyes blinded with tears. “I’m sorry we messed up your life so much. It was never my intention.” She ran from his office rushing blindly to her room.
A few minutes later, once she’d collected herself, she went down the stairs to the kitchen to get Faith and take her back upstairs. “Thank you for watching her. I really appreciate it.” She smiled at Connie, hoping she wouldn’t mention the tears that had ravaged her face.
Connie smiled at her, putting her hand on her arm. “Is there anything I can do to help you?” Her warm expression told Bailey she’d do anything in her power to sort out whatever was wrong with the younger woman.
Bailey shook her head, burying her face in the baby’s neck. “I’ll be fine. Thanks.” She took the baby upstairs and put her on a blanket on the floor with a few toys. Faith was just starting to scoot around, and loved to have toys to stick in her mouth.
She sat on her bed and thought about what to do. She had to leave. She couldn’t keep asking Steven to take care of a baby who wasn’t his. But where could she go? She pulled out her cell phone and called Amber. “Hey, Amber. It’s Bailey.” She tried to keep her voice peppy and happy as she spoke to her friend.
“Hi Bailey! Are we on for Saturday?” Her friend’s happy voice had her grinning despite her emotions.
“Umm…I have a favor to ask.” She knew she sounded like she’d been crying, and she also knew her friend would be more than willing to do anything to help her. It was so hard to be in a position where she had to ask for help again. She hated it.
“What’s that?”
She took a deep breath. “You’ve said you have a big house. Would you mind if Faith and I came to live with you for a while?” When her friend didn’t answer immediately, she said, “I’ll pay rent. I have money saved up. And I’ll get a job. I promise. I just need somewhere to go for a little while.” She closed her eyes as she waited for Amber’s response.
“Of course, you can come here! You know that. Do you know how to get to Corral City?” Corral City was a small rural community not far from Southlake, where she lived with Steven.
“No, give me your address. I have a GPS in the SUV.” She wished she didn’t have to take the SUV, but Steven had her car towed, and she had no other way to get anywhere. She scribbled down her friend’s address while Faith gnawed on a plastic block, looking up at her with her big blue eyes.
Bailey hung up and flew into action. She quickly packed up all of the clothes she’d brought with her and all of Faith’s things. She hated taking them, but she’d need them, and Steven wouldn’t. She’d find a way to get his Cadillac back to him.
She went down the stairs to make sure his office door was closed, and started carrying things out to her car. When she was finished, she put Faith in her car seat and carried her out to the car. A note was left on the dresser in her bedroom, so Steven wouldn’t worry about them.
“Steven-- I’m so sorry I believed Angela’s lies. I should have known better. Faith and I won’t continue to be a burden on you. I’m safe, and have some money in savings thanks to your generosity. I’ll get your Cadillac back to you as soon as I can arrange it. Thanks for everything you’ve done. My memories of our time together will always be pleasant. Bailey.”
The tears poured down her cheeks as she drove out of his driveway and toward Corral City, Texas where Amber had a small horse ranch. The thirty minute drive helped to clear her mind. She knew she was making the right decision for herself and her baby.
Amber was waiting inside the house and flew out as soon as Bailey pulled up. “What happened?” She opened the door of the vehicle and pulled her friend out and into a quick hug.
She shook her head sadly, not ready to talk about it. “I promise, I’ll tell you, but I can’t right now. Tomorrow.” Hopefully by tomorrow she’d be able to speak without tears pouring down her face.
Her friend helped her carry in everything she’d brought. Bailey carried Faith into the house in her car seat and set her on the floor. “I have no idea where she’s going to sleep.” She hadn’t brought the playpen from Steven’s house.
Amber grinned. “This is the house I grew up in. My mother kept everything my brother and I used when we were babies. We’ll get the crib out of the attic and she’ll have her own room in no time.”
Bailey smiled. “Thank you for being such a good friend.” She knew Bailey’s brother was going to college, and wouldn’t be home for a while.
“Am I allowed to tell Cody you’re here? He’s supposed to be coming for his riding lesson tomorrow, so if you don’t want Steven to know you’re here, then you’d better tell me now, and I’ll head him off at the pass.”
“No, it’s fine. Steven won’t care where we’ve gone as long as we’re out of his hair.” She said the words sadly, knowing they were true. Steven would be thrilled not to have a baby who wasn’t his and her aunt who he no longer felt any passion for living under his roof.
Amber hugged her tightly. “I’m sorry it didn’t work out between you and Steven. When we were on the island, you two seemed like you were such a good couple. I can’t believe it’s all gone so wrong for you.”
Chapter Nine
Bailey spent the following day on the internet job hunting. She needed to find something fast, because she knew it would be much harder after she started showing. She also needed to have medical insurance immediately to pay for her prenatal care and for Faith’s doctor’s visits. She wasn’t feeling sick yet, but Angela had spent almost her entire pregnancy in bed. Of course, Angela had always milked any illness for all it was worth.
By early afternoon, she’d set up two job interviews for the following day. She only prayed she could get one of them. They were both in Northern Fort Worth, so the drive wouldn’t be long for as long as she was staying with Amber. And then she could go ahead and get her own place soon.
Steven had paid her a very healthy salary, and she’d saved almost every penny of it, because her room and board had been included. She felt guilty for taking money from him, but what else could she do at this point? Eventually, she’d save up enough money to pay him back, even if it took her the rest of her life.
When Cody came for his riding lesson, he stopped in to say hi to Bailey. He had always loved little Faith and played with her while they talked. He didn’t ask any questions about what had happened between her and his friend, but he didn’t have to. Seeing the deep circles under her eyes and the evidence of her tears was all Cody needed.
After he left, he drove straight to Steven’s house. He didn’t knock, but instead went inside and stormed into the office. “What did you do to her?”
Steven gave his friend a cold look. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” The shock of finding Bailey and Faith gone this morning was almost more than he could take. He’d come to his office and buried himself in work, avoiding Connie as much as possible. She’d made it clear to him at breakfast time she thought it was his fault their houseguests had gone.
“The hell you don’t! Bailey has moved in with Amber, and she’s obviously been
crying her eyes out. What did you do?” Cody’s hands were fisted at his sides as if he was going to start hitting something any moment.
Steven leaned back in his chair, scrubbing his face with his hand. “Is that where they went? I’m glad they’re safe.” He was shocked by the anger on his friend’s face. They’d always believed each other first, and no woman had ever come between them. “I didn’t kick her out if that’s what you think. She found out yesterday Faith isn’t mine. I guess she decided she didn’t have a right to be here after that.” He knew there was more to it than that, but he wasn’t going to tell Cody. There were limits to what he’d tell even his closest friends.
Cody gave his friend a confused look. “You always knew she wasn’t yours. Didn’t you tell her?”
“I told her I wanted a paternity test. And we had it done. I never meant for her to see the results. I only did it in case something came along later. I shouldn’t have. I should have just let her think Faith was mine.” He was still kicking himself for leaving the results out on his desk like that. Of course, Bailey had been avoiding his office, so how was he supposed to know she’d walk in there while he was getting lunch?
“You need to go after her, you know. She loves you.”
Steven shook his head. “She told me on the way home from the island our physical relationship was over. She said it was best for Faith. I was planning on buying her an engagement ring.” His voice sounded sadder than Cody had ever heard it. “I don’t even know what I did wrong to make her feel that way.”
“Are you insane? She’s living with Amber, and crying all the time. Go and tell her how you feel. You’re making a huge mistake.”
Steven looked at his friend, feeling hope for the first time since she’d left. “Do you think she’d even see me?” It had to be worth a shot. He was sitting here miserable without her. If she threw the ring back in his face, at least he’d always know he’d done everything he could to make the relationship work.
“Get the ring and go to her. Trust me. All she wants is to come home to you.” He turned and started to leave the office. “And, yes, I will be your best man.”
Steven shook his head at his friend. Suddenly, he felt galvanized into action. He grabbed his car keys and his wallet, and headed for the nearest jewelry store. He picked a pink diamond, thinking it would suit her more than a traditional stone, and left the store at a dead run. He had to get her back and he had to do it tonight.
He called Cody from the road. “I forgot to get her address from you. Where is she?” He felt like an idiot and grimaced as he heard his friend’s laughter. He knew Cody and Justin would be needling him over this for years to come.
He punched in the address while stopped at a light and followed the annoying GPS voice to the address Cody had given him. What he found when he got out of his car, was a ranch that had seen better days. He got out of the car, nervous for the first time since Cody had left his house. The ring was in the front pocket of his jeans as he knocked on the door.
Bailey had just put Faith in her saucer to play when she heard the knock. Amber was doing one of her group lessons for horse crazed girls, so she went to the door. When she saw Steven standing there, she almost closed the door, but sucked in her breath and opened it for him.
“Hi.” What else could she say? Had he come to get the car back?
“I miss you.” He hadn’t meant to start out that way, but it’s what he was thinking and the words just flew out of his mouth.
“We’ve barely spoken for months. How could you miss me?” She stared at him in disbelief.
He sighed. “I liked knowing you were there. I liked knowing I could go to your room and talk to you if I wanted. I liked knowing Faith would be there if I wanted to see her.” He reached out a hand and brushed away the tear falling down her cheek with his thumb. “I love you, Bailey. Please come home with me.”
She stood with her mouth open gaping at him. “What?” She must be hearing things, because Steven would never say that to her. Never.
She stood watching as he dug in his pocket for something. Suddenly, he dropped to one knee and held out a ring box to her. “Bailey, will you do me the honor of being my wife? We’ll raise our beautiful baby together, and hope we are blessed with a dozen more.”
She blinked her eyes as the tears started again. “Why?” Why did he suddenly want to marry her? He’d never shown any indication he even wanted her living in the same house he was in. What had come over him?
“Because I love you, and I don’t think a life without you is worth living.” He paused. “I used to think money meant happiness, but it doesn’t. Happiness is having you beside me. Happiness is holding Faith and burping her. Happiness is everything I felt when we were on the island. Please, Bailey. Marry me.” He held his breath as he waited for her answer.
She put her hand over her mouth and sucked in a breath. Finally, after a moment, she nodded. “But there’s something you need to know first.” It was time to tell him. She had to now, because he needed to know there would be four of them, not three.
He got to his feet and pulled her into his arms, kissing the top of her head. “What do you want to tell me?” He found her ring finger and slipped the ring on, pleased that he’d guessed right on the size. Whatever it was, he didn’t care. As long as she was by his side, they could handle anything.
She stared down at the ring on her finger as she fought to find the courage to tell him. Finally, she looked up into his eyes. “By marrying me, you’re not just taking on me and Faith.” She laid her hand over her still flat stomach. “I’m going to have your baby.”
His eyes widened and his face broke out into a huge grin. He picked her up and swung her around. Faith started clapping and giggling. “I can’t wait!”
He put Bailey back on her feet and reached down to pull Faith out of her saucer, noticing her for the first time since he’d arrived. “Are you ready to be a big sister, Faithy?” Faith patted his cheek happily. “I guess that’s a yes.” He grinned at Bailey. “Come home with me.”
She nodded. “I need to leave a note for Amber, and pack up all our things again.” She looked back over her shoulder at him as she wrote the note quickly. “Do you want a big wedding?” Not that she cared overmuch. As long as she was his wife, and they were a family, she cared about nothing else.
“I don’t care one way or the other. I just want to be married to you, and I want us to officially adopt Faith, so she’ll be ours.” He wanted it clear Faith was his daughter by love, even if she wasn’t his natural daughter.
“Let’s just do a small ceremony then. Maybe just a justice of the peace. We can have the gang there, but no one else.” He knew immediately she meant Cody, Justin, Amber and Sarah.
“That’s fine. I really don’t care. As long as I get you for my wife.” The look he gave her told her in no uncertain terms she needed to hurry. He wanted her home with him where she belonged.
She smiled at him, able to be content about the future for the first time in a long time. “I love you, Steven.”
His whole face lit up at her words. “And I love you. No more running.”
“No more running.”
Keep reading for an excerpt of the second book in the Dallas Billionaires, Justin, now available.
Justin Owens shut down his computer, glad to be leaving on time for once. Everything was always hectic at that time of year with football just over, basketball and hockey seasons in full swing, and baseball only a couple of months from starting up.
He had an idea for expansion as well, and needed to talk to his two business partners, Steven and Cody, about it to see if it was even worth pursuing. He’d call them both this evening to set up a meeting.
He’d just locked his office door when he heard a throat clear behind him. “Mr. Owens?”
He turned to look at the young woman in front of him. “Yes?” His eyes traveled up and down her, and he felt a jolt of electricity shoot through his body. Her shoulder length brunette hair was
worn down. Her eyes were a shade of green he’d never before seen without the help of contacts. Could they possibly be real?
“May I please speak with you privately?” Her voice was husky, and sweet.
“Yes, of course, Miss?” He held out his hand to shake hers, desperately needing to touch her somehow.
“Roberts. Sarah Roberts. I work in Human Resources.” She put her hand in his. She was a tall woman, almost as tall as his own six feet. He had never thought he would be interested in someone as tall as she was, but found he could only think of getting her somewhere private so he could taste her full lips.
He recognized the name, but not her face. She couldn’t have been working for the company for any length of time, or he’d have met her before. He knew most of the three hundred employees in the main office by face if not by name. “Will my office be okay?”
At her nod, he unlocked the door and ushered her inside. He gestured for her to sit on the black leather couch along one wall of his office, and instead of taking a chair opposite her as he normally would he sat down mere inches from her on the couch.
If she felt crowded by him, she gave no indication of it. He turned to her, waiting to see what she wanted, and he found her staring at his lips. He told himself he was acting like an idiot even as he leaned down and brushed her lips with his.
At first, she seemed startled by his abrupt move, but then she moved one hand to the back of his neck and returned the soft kiss. After a moment, she pulled back, as if surprised. She cleared her throat. “, I didn’t expect that to happen.” She fanned herself with a file folder she’d been clutching as if to try and get her brain cool enough to start thinking again.
He smiled at the way she waved the folder. She was just as attracted to him as he was to her. “Would you like to go to dinner this evening?” The words were out of his mouth before he could stop them. She was here for a reason, and all he could think about was getting her naked and under him. What was his problem?