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Mail Order Mayhem (Brides of Beckham) Page 4

  Chapter Six

  John tiptoed into the house an hour later, not certain what state of mind he’d find his new bride in. He stopped and stared as he walked in. She’d done up the dishes and scrubbed the table. The floors weren’t clean yet, but all of the cooking and eating surfaces were. He could only assume she’d done the same in his bedroom. He smiled. For someone who looked like a perfect lady, she certainly knew how to work.

  He walked through the house looking for her. She was nowhere to be seen. He climbed the stairs and found her putting her clothes away alongside his in his chest of drawers. His room had been swept and the bed was made with clean linens. The soiled clothes and bedding were nowhere to be seen. “You’ve been busy.”

  She jumped in surprise at his voice. “You startled me!”

  “I’m sorry. I figured I was loud enough you’d have heard me when I came in.” He smiled at her. “The house looks a lot better. I appreciate you working so hard on your wedding day.”

  She shook her head at him. “I couldn’t live in the filth so there was really no choice. I’ll give it a proper cleaning tomorrow.” She turned back to her clothes and packed the last of her nightgowns into a drawer and closed it. “I’ll have the house whipped into shape within a week or two.” She forced a smile as she thought about the laundry that waited for her, not to mention the window washing and the hours of floor scrubbing.

  “I really am sorry about the mess. My plan was to get it done, but I was late putting the crop in, and just never found the time. Will you forgive me?” He’d walked to her and took her hands in his as he asked the question.

  “Of course, I forgive you. I won’t start our marriage in anger.” She was surprised by how soft and sweet her voice sounded. The last of her anger had faded away as she’d remembered the feel of Horace’s hands on her. She couldn’t be angry with the man who’d taken her out of that situation and provided her with a home.

  “Thank you.” His eyes met hers and he slowly lowered his head to brush his lips against hers. Her eyes fluttered closed as he moved his arms around her waist and kissed her softly. “I think I’m going to like having a wife.”

  Maude smiled up at him. “I’m sure I’m going to like being one.”

  John glanced toward the window, knowing full well it was still over an hour before dark. What would she think if he insisted he was so tired they needed to go to bed now? He almost laughed at his silly thoughts. He didn’t want to wait, though. He’d thought of nothing but his wedding night since he’d first sent the letter looking for a bride. Maybe he could rush her along to bed after all. “I’m getting hungry. Will it take long to heat up the casserole for dinner?”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t think. I’ll run down and get it started right away.” It was only six, and they’d eaten at the church supper at two, so she was surprised he was already hungry, but she hurried down the stairs and lit the fire in the stove. She’d found the cellar and had put the pot down there so it would stay chilled and not spoil.

  Forty five minutes later, they sat down to an informal meal consisting of only the casserole which had been sent home from the wedding. She needed to bake some bread and churn some butter, but those things would need to wait. She hadn’t even taken the time to do an inventory of the kitchen shelves yet to determine whether or not she had everything she needed.

  While they ate, they chatted amiably about the area. She asked him about the crops he put in. “Mainly wheat. That’s the big cash crop around here. I do a bit of corn for the livestock. We’ll need to talk about whether or not you want to put in a kitchen garden, but if you do, I’ll need to plow an area for you right away. It’s getting too late in the year to start one.”

  She tilted her head to the side considering. “I do need to put in a garden, I think. That way we’ll have vegetables all winter long. The cellar has plenty of shelves for storage.”

  “Mrs. Gunderson always put in a huge kitchen garden. She’d spend weeks and weeks canning vegetables for us.”

  “Do you miss her?”

  He shrugged. “In a way, I do. She wasn’t much of a mother to us, honestly. She was more of an employer who let us board here, but she made sure we always had plenty to eat, and had clean clothes. I can’t complain, but the affection just wasn’t really there.” He took a bite of his food. “Al left the farm as soon as he was old enough to get a job somewhere else. He hated farming and everything that went with it. Not me, though. The first time I planted something and watched it grow, I knew I was meant to be a farmer for the rest of my life. I’m thankful the Gundersons left me this farm. I wouldn’t have been able to afford one of my own. Especially not with a house like this. If not for them, I’d have brought you home to a sod house.”

  “You do have a beautiful home. I can’t wait until I have it all cleaned and polished. It’s going to be a wonderful place to raise a family.” She’d finished eating and got to her feet, walking the few steps to the basin to wash the few dishes. “I’d like to send a couple of letters home on Monday if that would be okay.”

  “Of course! I’m sure your folks are anxious to know whether you made it here okay. I’m half surprised they didn’t come with you.” He shook his head. “I couldn’t have let my daughter get on a train to go far away and marry some man she’d never met.”

  “They probably are anxious. And I promised my friend Harriett I’d send her a letter right away as well.” She knew anxious was an understatement to what her parents would be feeling. Horace would have arrived home from his business trip this evening, and they would have had to try to explain her disappearance. She forced her mind away from Horace. The idea of him finding out where she was frightened her.

  He brought her his plate as he finished eating, taking his seat to continue their conversation. “Harriett? The one who runs the mail order bride business? I didn’t realize the two of you were friends.”

  “We met the day I answered your letter,” she told him honestly. “We’ve become good friends in the time since, though. I’m going to miss her.” She dried off the last of the dishes and put them away. “Do you know who this pot belongs to? I’d like to take it back when we go into town.”

  He shrugged. “One of the church ladies, I’m sure. We’ll take it to church with us on Sunday morning and someone will claim it for her own.”

  She carefully set the pot at the end of the counter where it would be out of her way, but she wouldn’t forget to take it back into town on Sunday morning. “I’d like to do a quick inventory of the kitchen to see what I’ll need. I’m hoping there’s enough that I can make it through until Monday. I need to go to town Monday anyway to mail the letters.”

  “That’s fine. Let me get you some paper and a pencil so you can make a list.” He stood and walked into the sitting area, coming back with the items for her. He resumed his seat watching her as she carefully dug through the canisters on his counter and made notes of what she needed.

  Maude had changed out of her wedding dress while he was outside seeing to the livestock. She was wearing a plain blue work dress that brought out the color of her eyes. He couldn’t get over the fact that she had answered his letter for a mail order bride. What was wrong with the men out East that none of them were interested in such a beautiful woman? He certainly wasn’t complaining, because he was thrilled to have found her.

  Maude felt his eyes on her as she did her inventory. He had just about everything she needed in a very small quantity. She’d need to do a large shopping trip for supplies, but it could be put off until Monday morning. She was thankful she wouldn’t have to run out the following day to get it done. She needed to stick close to the house to get started on the cleaning and laundry. She liked to plan things out, so she’d make herself a schedule for what cleaning she’d do on which day, but that would have to wait until she had gotten the bulk of the heavy work done.

  Finally, she covered her mouth with her hand to stifle her yawn. She was tired, but wasn’t in any hurry to go up to bed. Sh
e kept telling herself she’d done the right thing by coming here, but when it came right down to it, she was about to go to bed with a total stranger. Harriett had been kind enough to explain to her what happened in the marriage bed, so she didn’t have any questions, but she certainly wasn’t looking forward to what sounded like an uncomfortable experience.

  John saw her yawn, and suggested, she make her trip to the outhouse first, and he’d wait. He was pleased to see her head straight out. He was looking forward to the coming night as much as she seemed to be dreading it.

  He left to go outside when she came back into the house. She didn’t say anything, and could barely look at him as she passed him. She couldn’t believe how nervous she was.

  She climbed the stairs and quickly changed into her nightgown. She braided her long hair into a single braid down her back so it wouldn’t tangle and climbed under the covers and pulling them up to her chin. She lay on her back, wondering what he’d do if she pretended to be asleep when he got back. She took several deep breaths trying to calm herself. It couldn’t be that bad, she thought, or no one would do it more than once, and then they’d never have more than one child.

  She lay in the bed, staring at the ceiling waiting for John to join her. She’d hoped he’d offer her more time before consummating the marriage, but she was going to do what she’d promised to do before the pastor in church earlier that day. If he wanted to be intimate with her, then she would be intimate. He’d saved her from a life with Horrible Horace, whether he knew it or not, and she owed it to him.

  John went to the barn after using the outhouse, wondering how long she’d need to get ready for bed. He had never been with a woman before and couldn’t stop thinking about the beautiful woman waiting for him in his bed. He’d honestly expected to find a homely woman getting off the train and still couldn’t believe his luck. Maude was the prettiest girl he’d ever seen, and he couldn’t imagine a reason she would have had to resort to being a mail order bride.

  He patted the neck of his black stallion, midnight, talking to him in a low voice. “I know you’ve done it before, but I never have. I’m not sure I’m going to be any good at it, but I hope I don’t disappoint her. Did you see how beautiful she is? I’ve never seen anyone like her. How long should I give her to get ready do you think?”

  Midnight snickered at him, nudging him with his nose.

  “You think she’s ready?” He took a deep breath. “Okay, pal, I’ll trust you on this one.”

  He made his way slowly from the barn to the house, giving her any extra time she may need. He made certain to tread heavily as he climbed the stairs, hoping she would hear him and not be startled.

  He opened the door to the bedroom, and immediately wondered if he should have knocked, but saw her lying in the bed with the covers pulled up to her chin. He wondered if they’d be able to make this work with as nervous as they both were. Slowly, he walked into the room, and turned down the kerosene lamp on the dresser. He quickly kicked off his work boots and stripped out of his shirt and pants. Would it make her nervous if he climbed into bed naked? She was already nervous, so how could it matter?

  He slipped beneath the covers and reached out his hand to stroke along her arm. She was wearing a long sleeved nightgown, and he couldn’t feel her skin at all. “Maude?”

  She turned her head toward him, barely able to make out his outline in the dark. “Yes?”

  “I know you’re nervous, and I’m going to be just as gentle as I can. Okay?”

  Her heart was drumming in her chest so strongly it almost hurt. “Okay.”

  He scooted closer to her under the covers and traced her cheek with his finger. “You’re so beautiful.” His lips brushed against hers, just barely a whisper, and then he pulled back. His hands stroked up and down her arms, trying to get her used to his touch. “If I do anything you don’t like, just tell me.” Again his lips dropped to hers, but this time his tongue traced the seam of her lips, silently asking her to open her mouth for him.

  She opened her mouth and felt his tongue come inside, softly stroking hers and tracing the inside of her upper lip. She turned on her side to face him, liking the feel of his mouth on hers. It was nothing like when Horace had kissed her. She wanted to touch him, but didn’t know if that would be okay. Surely he’d let her know if it wasn’t.

  She moved her hand to his shoulder, surprised to find it bare. Her father had always slept in a sleep shirt, and she had assumed John would do the same. He didn’t tell her to take her hand away, so she stroked the shoulder under her fingers, enjoying the feel of his strong sinewy muscles. He looked so lean with his clothes on, she hadn’t realized just how strong he was.

  He reached down and grabbed her hips, pulling her closer to him. She went willingly, answering the strokes of his tongue with strokes of her own. He groaned softly, the sound swallowed up by her mouth. She pulled back and looked at him. “Did I do something wrong?”

  “No, you’re doing everything right.”

  “It’s okay to touch you?” Her voice was just a whisper. She was so embarrassed to ask, but didn’t want to do anything wrong.

  “Absolutely. Anywhere you want to touch me.”

  Her hand roamed around to his back and traced the muscles there. “Your body feels so hard.”

  “Farming isn’t easy work. It builds muscles.” His lips brushed her cheek while his hands roamed behind her, stroking her backside.

  She was startled when he touched her there. Was it okay for him to touch her there? He said she could touch him anywhere, so it must be. It felt strange, though.

  He kissed her again, more passionately this time. His tongue making bold forays into her mouth. She moved her hand over his back, feeling a tingling sensation between her thighs. She could feel something poking her in the belly, and moved her hand down to move it out of the way. Shocked, she jerked her hand away when her fingers encountered his flesh. She could feel the blush rushing through her body and was thankful for the darkness.

  He caught her hand and returned it to his manhood. “It’s okay to touch me there,” he grunted and covered her mouth with his once more.

  She hadn’t meant to touch him there, but now that he’d put her hand back on it, she didn’t feel like she could pull it away without offending him. Her fingers gently squeezed, her hand exploring the size and shape of him. This must be the part that was going to be inside her body soon.

  He groaned loudly, pulling her nightgown up to expose her thighs. He pushed her onto her back, one hand stroking her inner thigh, while the other cupped her generous breast. “You feel so soft. Let me know if I hurt you.” He moved one finger into her tight passage groaning as he tried to imagine what it would feel like to push inside her. He only hoped he could hold out long enough for her to find some pleasure in what they did. He wanted her to want to do this often.

  Her hand left his member and returned to his shoulder, stroking him softly. He rolled on top of her, settling between her spread thighs. He cupped her face in his hands, whispering, “I can’t wait any more, baby.”

  She nodded once, moving her hands to his shoulders and preparing herself for his invasion of her body. How would it feel to have the silky soft man-thing inside her? She was about to find out.

  He pressed hard against her passage, moving it inside her. He stopped as he felt her barrier, pressing his lips to hers, plunging his tongue into her mouth as he broke through the barrier and sank all the way inside her.

  It hurt! She pushed against his shoulders wanting him to get off of her. He’d put it inside her. Surely he was finished and would want to go back to his own side of the bed now. “I’m sorry it hurts. It’ll be over soon.”

  He wasn’t finished? She didn’t like this and wanted him out of her. She couldn’t tell him that, though. He wouldn’t like it.

  He pulled back, and she felt him leave her body. She sighed with relief. He was done after all. She must have misunderstood. When he plunged back inside her, she let out a gasp
of surprise. It didn’t hurt as much that time. He began rhythmically leaving her body and moving back inside her. It felt odd, but good. She felt something happening inside her. She was building toward something and felt like she was going to pop. She moved her hips in time with his, and suddenly, he let out a loud groan and sank inside her, jerking spasmodically a few times, and then collapsed on top of her.

  She knew something else was supposed to happen. He couldn’t be finished. Her body was tingling and waiting for something more, but he just lay still on top of her, his penis still deep inside her. She wanted to punch him in frustration.

  After a few moments, he rolled off her, gathering her into his arms. “I’m sorry I had to hurt you.”

  She blinked a few times. She’d already forgotten the pain. She wanted to know what hadn’t happened. She sighed tucking her head against his shoulder. Whatever it was, it obviously wasn’t going to happen now. He was already asleep, his soft breathing echoing throughout the room.

  Chapter Seven