Only in Oklahoma (At the Altar Book 6) Page 3
Angela blinked a couple of times, as if trying to contain the tears that wanted to fall. "Well, we'd better hurry things along then. Go ahead and fix your plates, and everyone else will follow suit."
The reception had been set up as a potluck meal, because there'd been so little time to organize it. Everyone in the church had been happy to do their part.
Once they were seated, everyone else got their food and the newlyweds had people fill in around them. It was hard for Michaela to keep up with the small talk around her, because she couldn't take her eyes off her new husband.
It felt like five minutes later that they were leaving the reception, both of them had a suitcase in tow. Michaela had an overnight bag atop her suitcase and her purse over one shoulder. "What about the rest of your things?" he asked as she flagged down a taxi to take them to the train station.
"My roommate is going to send them. They're all boxed up, so she just needs to schedule UPS to come pick them up tomorrow." A taxi stopped in front of them, and Michaela directed him to take them to Pennsylvania station near Madison Square Garden.
Since he'd told her he'd never been in New York before, she kept up a running commentary, pointing out different points of interest as they passed.
On the train, they sat close together, holding hands. She drifted off to sleep, her head on his shoulder, exhausted from her sleepless nights of the past week. Who could sleep when they didn't know who they'd be marrying a few days later?
He rested his cheek against the top of her head for a moment, before pulling out his phone and checking his email and texts. If she'd stayed awake, he'd have done his best to keep from looking but since she was asleep, he took full advantage of the opportunity.
It was dark by the time they got to Plymouth in the small rental car. He drove to the hotel, right there on the beach. The Mayflower Hotel promised a view of the ocean, and they had it.
The further toward the hotel they got, the more anxious Michaela became. She was both excited and nervous for her wedding night. Never having been with a man before, going to bed with a man she'd just met hours before was more than a little intimidating.
They checked into the hotel, and they went into the room. When they walked in, he stared at the king sized bed in front of the window, wondering if she'd be willing to jump straight to the activities he was most interested in. "How hungry are you?" he asked.
Michaela followed his gaze and blushed before answering. "I'm starving. How would you feel about going to one of the restaurants along the ocean walk and maybe walking on the beach for a bit?"
He smiled, touching her cheek. "I'd be happy to do anything that makes you smile."
She stood on tiptoe, kissing his cheek. "I'm going to change first." She looked down at her dress. She'd felt conspicuous on the train all the way there and wished she'd had the foresight to change before they'd left the church.
She dug through the small bag she'd brought for that evening and pulled out a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt. "I'll be right back." She stepped into the bathroom and changed.
Jon stared at the closed bathroom door, wishing she'd just change in front of him. Of course, if she'd been the kind of woman who felt comfortable undressing in front of him right away, she wouldn't have been a woman he wanted to spend his life with.
He opened his suitcase and pulled out jeans and a tee shirt, shucking off his clothes and changing there in the hotel room, rather than waiting for the bathroom to be free. He'd gotten his jeans on when his phone rang. He set his tee shirt down and dug his cell phone out of his slacks pocket. Glancing at the number, he saw it was his secretary.
"This is Jon."
"I'm sorry to disturb you on your wedding day," Sharyn, his secretary, started, her voice full of apology.
"It's not a problem. We're just about to go to dinner. What's going on?"
"Well, there's a problem with the plumbing in the women's restroom," she said. "I think one of the kids threw a ball into one of the toilets and the whole bathroom flooded."
"Flooded?" He sighed. "And service starts in fifteen. Call Henry Crider. He's not a plumber, but he's a builder, and he'll have someone he can call."
"Absolutely. I hope you have a fabulous honeymoon. I can't wait to meet your wife."
"She's pretty incredible," he said, his eyes on her as she left the bathroom.
Michaela stopped where she was, blushing. He wasn't wearing a shirt, and while she knew she was married to him, it was still a bit disconcerting. He had a thin covering of hair on his chest, and she just wanted to walk over to where he was sitting on the edge of the bed and touch him.
Instead she went to the closet and hung her wedding dress. She'd brought a garment bag that she'd hang it in before they headed to Oklahoma.
"See you Sunday," he said, pushing the end button on the phone. "Sorry about that. Plumbing problems at the church. One of the kids dropped a ball into one of the toilets in the women's restroom."
She grinned. "And that's your job? On your honeymoon?"
He rubbed the back of his neck. "The youth minister is supposed to be in charge while I'm away, but no one is in the habit of calling him. They all call me every single time."
He reached for his shirt and pulled it over his head. "Are you ready to eat?"
She nodded. "One of my college friends lives here in Plymouth so I've been a couple of times. Do you want me to take you to a restaurant I like? Or do you just want to wander and see what we see?"
Jon shrugged. "Whatever. There is one thing I want before we go to dinner, though."
"What's that?"
He caught her hand and pulled her to him. "A kiss from my wife."
"That I can accommodate!" She wrapped her arms around his neck, raising her lips to his. "I think I could get used to this kissing thing."
He laughed, pressing his lips to hers. "Get used to it? Now, I know you've been kissed before."
She shrugged. "A couple of times, but I never really had a steady boyfriend, so not much."
"Why no steady boyfriends?" he asked as he walked toward the door. The sooner they ate, the sooner they'd get back to the room and make love.
"There were never any that had the same goals or morals I did."
They held hands as they walked along the waterfront. She'd always imagined it would be romantic to walk along the ocean with someone she cared about, listening to the waves crash against the shore.
"The sea seems a little angry tonight," she said after a minute or two of silence.
He nodded. "Since the first time I ever saw the ocean was when we were coming in for a landing at Newark Airport yesterday, I don't know what an angry ocean is like, but I'll take your word for it."
"I'm happy to show you my little corner of the world," she said. "I wish we'd had a little more time in New York, but it's so much more romantic here."
"And is romance a big deal to you?" Jon asked, trying to get a feel for her personality.
"No more than it is to the next woman probably. I admit I like chick flicks. I would take a rom-com over any other kind of movie."
He sighed. "I should have seen that coming."
"What type of movies do you like?" she asked, grinning up at him.
"Oh, superhero movies. No doubt."
"I like superhero movies as long as there's some romance involved." Michaela waited for his groan, but it didn't come.
"Well, we'll just have to seek out movies that we both like. I'm sure we'll find some."
"Oh, here's the restaurant. They have great lobster rolls, and the stuffed lobster is to die for. Oh, and I love the risotto!" She was getting hungrier by the second as she talked about all of the delicious New England foods she wanted.
"You're going to make me come back here often, just so we can have the food, aren't you?"
She laughed. "I plan on having such a fabulous honeymoon here that we'll want to come back over and over just to relive it."
He swallowed hard at her words. "I'm looking forward to
the wedding night part of the honeymoon."
Michaela blushed. "I'm nervous about that, but excited too. I mean, I've never done it before, but I look forward to learning about it with you."
He groaned softly. "And you have to tell me that as we walk into dinner? Are you sure you're hungry?"
"Positive. Anything worth having is worth waiting for, right?"
"I've heard that somewhere." They went into the restaurant and he got them a table overlooking a dance floor. "This place is packed."
She nodded. "It's a favorite of locals and tourists. I like it because the food is wonderful." She gazed out at the dance floor longingly. She'd have loved to dance, but the music was fast, not slow, and she didn't think he'd be interested.
"Do you like to dance?" he asked, following her gaze.
She nodded. "I love to slow dance. Fast dancing can be fun, but I feel too uncoordinated."
"Me too. We'll do some slow dancing when we get a chance. Do you mind if we skip this, though?" he asked, nodding at the dancers.
"Not at all." She picked up the menu, already knowing what she wanted. The stuffed lobster sounded amazing to her.
"What's risotto?" he asked, right after she placed her order.
"Oh, it's delicious. It's this rice dish with cheese. I'm not sure if I'm explaining it right, but it's delicious. You'll have to have a bite of mine."
"I'd like that."
While they ate, he talked about his congregation and the church back in Teaville. "Do you think you want to get a job in a school?" he asked.
"I'm not sure. I want to see what's out there. Maybe I could work as a pre-school or kindergarten teacher. I wouldn't mind working in children's ministry, but it might be awkward with both of us working for the same church, and I know it would be awkward with us working for different churches."
"We don't have an opening for a children's minister right now. And yes, it might be awkward working for the same church. There's a Christian school in town that might have an opening."
"Really? That might be nice." She shrugged. "I'll see what's out there when I get there." She took a spoonful of risotto and offered it to him across the table. "Tell me what you think."
He chewed it slowly, savoring the taste. "That's delicious. Tell me you know how to make that."
She shook her head. "No, I don't. I've tried a few times, but I can never get it just right. I guess we'll have to come back here."
"Tomorrow I'd like to stop in at some of the little shops along the pier. I love the salt water taffy here. It tastes so fresh. Like nothing you've ever tried."
"Sounds good to me."
On their walk back, they stopped for a minute, just to watch the ocean. He wrapped his arms around her from behind, loving the feel of her body pressed up against his. He leaned down and bit her earlobe. "I think we should go back to the room," he said in a whisper.
She blushed, but nodded, walking with him toward the hotel.
As soon as the door closed behind them, he pulled her into his arms, kissing her. "I should probably be a gentleman and offer to wait, but I really don't want to."
"I don't want you to!" She pulled him back down for another kiss.
He moved his hands under her sweatshirt, stroking her bare back. "Your skin is so soft." He bit her lower lip gently as he maneuvered her toward the bed, sitting down on the edge and pulling her down onto his lap, straddling him.
She pressed up against him, feeling his erection through the fabric of their jeans. Her hands were splayed on his back, and she caressed him through the thin cloth of his tee shirt. "I want this off," she said tugging at the offending article of clothing.
"Only if this comes off too," he said pushing her sweatshirt up until she lifted her arms, letting him pull it over her head and toss it to the floor.
As soon as her shirt was off, her hands went to the hem of his, and she pulled it over his head, tossing it as well.
He looked down at her breasts, toying with one nipple through her thin silky bra. His mouth went back to hers, kissing her passionately. He pushed her off his lap and onto her back on the bed, following her down. "You're everything I've ever dreamed of having in a wife. How did I get so lucky?"
"I was just wondering the same thing. You are truly an answer to my prayers," she whispered, her hands stroking the bare skin of his back.
His fingers went to the front clasp of her bra, and he peeled the cups back, his eyes feasting on the sight of her. He toyed with her nipple, leaning down to lick it. "I don't know how slowly I can go," he told her. "I want you naked!"
She nodded, her face flushed with passion. "Yes."
"Get me naked!"
He chuckled, his hands immediately going to the waistband of her jeans.
She kept her hands on his chest, toying with his nipples, while he unsnapped and lowered the zipper on her jeans. "What's that?" she asked.
"What's what?"
"That chirping sound?"
He groaned, reaching into his pocket and pulling out his phone. "I'm sure it's not important." He looked at the display. "Oh, crud." He took two deep breaths, trying to regain his control. "I have to take this."
Chapter Three
Jon stood, walking to the window and looking out. "This is Jon." He ran his hand over the back of his neck, looking at his bride lying there on the bed watching him in nothing but her jeans, which were gaping open. "I'm sorry," he mouthed.
Michaela nodded. "Hurry!" she whispered. It felt odd to lie there in just her jeans with her breasts still bare, but he'd be right back she was sure.
"Think about what we talked about in counseling last week. Don't go to a bar. It's the last thing you need to be doing. Stay home with your wife and talk about it. Leaving will only make things worse." He walked from the window and scooped his shirt off the floor, pulling it over his head. Pushing the mute button on the phone, he said, "I need to take this in the hall. I'm so sorry!"
She watched him go in a state of disbelief. Yes, he was a pastor, and she understood he'd have emergencies, but she hoped the timing wouldn't be repeated anytime soon. She took a few deep breaths, trying to calm her racing heart.
When the door closed behind him, she found her overnight bag and the lacy nightgown she'd purchased for her wedding night. Walking to the bathroom, she ran a tub full of water and sank into it, all the while her mind was on her new husband. How long would it take him to help the man?
When Jon let himself back into the room an hour and a half later, he stripped off his shirt and approached the bed. "Where were we?" he asked.
The only answer he received was the soft sound of Michaela sighing in her sleep and rolling over.
He frowned. He knew she was exhausted. He'd let her sleep. He'd heard sex was a great way to start the day. Tomorrow morning, he and his new wife would find out for themselves.
When Michaela woke up the following morning, the first thing she noticed was a heavy weight over her middle. She opened her eyes to see an unfamiliar wall. It took her a moment to remember where she was—and why. What time had Jon returned to the room? She'd tried to stay awake to wait for him, but she'd been so tired. She didn't remember anything after lying down.
She turned over in the bed, facing him. His arm was over her, and she scooted closer to him, kissing his chin. Waking him didn't seem right when he was sleeping so peacefully. She nestled closer, just enjoying feeling his skin pressed against her.
She had put on her pretty nightgown after her bath, and it had ridden up above her waist. She wriggled a little, pulling it back down to cover her hips. Wondering what he'd worn to bed, she tangled her legs with his. She felt nothing covering them. Surely he'd left his underwear on to sleep in. They hadn't done anything together yet, so would he feel comfortable nude around her?
She knew she shouldn't look, but sometimes doing what you should do grew tiresome, and this was one of those times. She lifted the cover to peek at what
he was wearing, but jumped when he spoke. "I never thought you'd try to get a look at the goods, but go ahead." There was laughter in his eyes.
Michaela felt the blush cover her from her face down to her neck. "I—I wanted to see if you wore anything to bed." She dropped the covers without finding out if he was or not. She couldn't believe he'd caught her. Absolutely mortified, she closed her eyes.
"Why? Does it matter?" He raised an eyebrow, obviously enjoying her discomfort.
"No, of course not. I just—." She couldn't continue. She was too embarrassed that she'd been caught. "I think I'll go get a shower." Starting to roll away from him, she stopped when he caught her hand and began nibbling on her fingers.
"Don't go. I was just teasing." He put his lips to her ear. "I didn't wear anything to bed. Wanna feel?" He acted like he was going to press her hand against him there, and she quickly pulled her hand away from him.
She buried her face in his neck, too embarrassed to answer. "You shouldn't tease me like that."
He pushed her to her back, looming over her as he brushed his lips across hers. "Why not? I like it when you blush."
Putting her hands on his shoulders, she pulled him down for another kiss, a deeper one this time. "I hate it when I blush. I feel about fifteen."
His hands moved over her body, stroking her breasts through the thin satin of her nightgown. "You don't feel fifteen to me."
Her blush grew deeper. "Stop!" How long would it take her to stop being embarrassed by him?
He lifted his head, looking down in her eyes. "No. I'm not going to stop until we're both content this time."
"As long as no one calls?" she asked, a grin on her face.
"I sure hope no one calls again. I'm so sorry that happened."
"It's okay. I'm less exhausted this morning, and I'm sure that will work to our benefit." She stroked her hand down his back and pinched his butt, giggling when he jumped. "You are naked!"