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Blushing in Boston (At the Altar Book 7) Page 10
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Page 10
"How long have you known him?" Brenda asked.
"I've been his secretary for eight years now," Shelby said simply. "I'm very devoted."
"I can see that."
"He wouldn't like me telling you this, but I think it's something you need to understand about him. He tries to come across all hard and gruff. He's not. Five years ago at Christmas time, my husband was a police officer, and he was shot in the line of duty. He was hit in the head. When I first heard, I assumed he died. I didn't think there was any way anyone could live through that. He did. He was in a coma for six months. He'd been in the hospital for three weeks when I found that I was carrying our first child."
"Oh, that's terrible!"
"Daniel wouldn't let me return to work. He paid me to sit beside my husband in the hospital. For six months. And then he paid me to stay with him through rehab. He found someone to temporarily take my place, but as soon as I'd had the baby, and Ben was better, I had my job back. I never missed a day of pay." Shelby shook her head. "People think he's hard, but I've never met a more giving man in my life. I've never been so devoted to anyone. So far, I like you. Don't hurt him."
Brenda wasn't sure if that was a warning or a threat. Either way, she had no intention of hurting Daniel and wasn't sure she could. "I won't. You know how we married, right?" She was surprised Shelby would be so worried about Daniel's feelings when their marriage was just one of convenience—at least in his mind.
"I know that you were introduced by a matchmaker. I also know that he sounds like a teenager when he talks about you. I've been around for three of his serious relationships. He's never sounded giddy with one of them. He does with you. Be good to him."
"Will he like me flying there to join him? Or am I making a mistake? I called you on a spur of the moment, before I had a chance to think about it or get nervous." Brenda forced her hands to stay in her lap, because she wanted to gnaw her fingernails, a habit she'd given up years before.
"He'll love it. He's going to be like a kid on Christmas morning. Don't know if he ever really had a Christmas morning though. His parents..."
Brenda turned to Shelby. "He won't talk about his parents at all. What do you know?"
Shelby bit her lip, obviously trying to decide if it was all right she talked about this. "I feel like I'd be betraying him by telling you. I can't. Just know that there was nothing that either you or I would consider normal about his upbringing. It was bad."
"I got that impression. I won't press you for more, because I don't want you saying anything you'll regret. I do wish I knew how to best reach him, though."
"Just love him. You're special to him. That's obvious. Love him, and he'll treat you like a goddess."
"I already think I love him." Brenda knew she shouldn't tell his secretary before she told the man she loved, but the words came out before she'd realized they were going to.
Shelby pulled her car to the terminal. "Make sure you know before you tell him. Don't break his heart. Please."
"I won't. I'm not a cruel person. I want this marriage to work." Brenda was astounded at how protective Daniel's employees were of him. She'd sensed the same kind of devotion from Mr. and Mrs. Brinkley.
"He's a workaholic sometimes, but he's really a good man."
"I agree. Don't worry about me hurting him."
Shelby nodded, hurrying around to open her trunk.
Brenda got her suitcase and walked to the skycap. Shelby fell into step beside her. She gave the confirmation number so Brenda's reservation could be pulled up. When Brenda was set, she hugged her. "Have a fabulous time in Dallas. Rock his world." The last words were whispered in Brenda's ear.
Brenda smiled. "I will."
* * *
Brenda was surprised to realize Shelby had gotten her a first class seat, but she wasn't sure why. Daniel would have insisted if he'd known she was flying, and Shelby knew him well.
She declined the offered meal and took a bottle of water, knowing she'd sleep through most of the flight. She was tired. It had been a really long day.
She was asleep well before the captain turned off the seatbelt sign, her head resting comfortably on the back of her chair.
She woke up as she felt the wheels touch down in Dallas. She'd never been in Texas, so she was wide-eyed through the bustling airport. She was surprised it was so busy at three in the morning.
She followed the crowd through to the baggage claim, finding the man holding a card with her name on it. "I'm Brenda Axford," she said for the first time.
"Do you have luggage?" the man asked, nodding to the baggage claim. He was dressed in a suit and tie, looking as if wandering around airports at three in the morning was something he did every day. And most likely, it was.
Brenda nodded. "I have one suitcase."
He got the suitcase for her, and led her to his car, dragging it along behind him. "Is this your first time in Texas?"
She'd expected a man with a Texas drawl, but instead he had a faintly Hispanic accent, but he didn't sound Mexican to her. She didn't know if it was polite to ask him questions or not, so she simply answered his. "Yes, it is. I'm surprising my husband."
He opened the back door on the passenger side of a nice sedan for her, stowing her suitcase in the back. "There's a bottle of water for you, if you need it." He hurried to the driver's side and punched a couple of buttons on his GPS. "How long have you been married?"
"Since Saturday. And my husband thinks we're going to be apart all week. His secretary is helping me surprise him."
"That's wonderful. Why didn't you come with him to begin with?" The driver navigated his way out of a tight parking garage and onto a highway.
"I thought I was going to have to work all week, but my boss told me I could take off. So all the reasons I had to stay behind are tied up in a nice neat bow. He asked me to join him, and I thought I could surprise him."
The man, who was old enough to be her father, nodded. "That's the way to stay happy in a marriage. Always think of your partner first. I've been married twenty-seven years now, and we both try to ask ourselves what the other would want before we do anything."
"Do you have any other advice for a newlywed couple?" she asked, hoping she could keep him talking, so she wouldn't be quite so nervous.
Her ruse worked. He talked nonstop until they reached the hotel, giving many insights to his long and happy marriage. "I think the most important thing is just to treat the other person like they are the most important person in your life, because they should be."
He pulled up in front of a large hotel, stopping and getting out to get her suitcase from the trunk. "I hope you have a wonderful stay here in Dallas."
Brenda opened her purse to tip him, but he held up his hand. "It's been taken care of." He walked around and got into the car, driving away.
A bellhop was standing in front of the hotel and took her suitcase from her. "Checking in, ma'am?"
"Actually, my husband is already here, and I'm surprising him. I need to go to the front desk for my key."
She hurried to the registration desk and explained that she was expected, pulling out her driver's license. "Oh, yes, ma'am. Mr. Axford's secretary explained everything. Here's your key." The woman behind the registration desk pushed a keycard at her. "Do you need help with your luggage?"
Brenda shook her head. "No, thank you."
"The elevator is to your left. You'll take it up to the twenty-seventh floor."
Brenda got into the elevator and punched the button for her floor, turning around and watching out the back of the glass elevator for the first several floors. When she reached the twenty-seventh, she got out, looking around to try to find the right room. She wandered down a long hallway and found the room, standing for a minute in the hall to calm her nerves.
She took deep breaths, her hand on her stomach. Surely he'd be asleep. Should she wake him? Or wait until morning?
She used her key to open the door and dragged her suitcase in behind her. There wa
s a small bathroom to her left, and she hurried in to change into her lingerie she'd brought and take care of business. She brushed her teeth while she was in there as well.
She came out and went up the stairs, looking around carefully. Now that she was here, she was overwhelmed with nervousness. What if he didn't really want her there?
She found him, sleeping on his stomach in the middle of a king sized bed in one of the two bedrooms. She slipped into bed beside him, not saying a word. She'd let him keep sleeping, but she wasn't about to hide the fact she was there from him.
He let out a groan in his sleep and turned on his side facing her, his leg brushing hers.
Brenda laid perfectly still, waiting to see if he'd wake, watching his face by the lights from the nearby buildings which were streaming in through the window.
Daniel felt something strange, and he slowly opened his eyes as his foot explored the bare leg beside his. Who?
Brenda was watching him wake up, and he smiled. "Where'd you come from?" His voice was deep and gravelly with sleep.
She moved closer to him, resting her hand against his bare chest. The sheet was pulled up to his waist, and she didn't know what he was wearing under it. She was almost afraid to find out. "Boston."
He wrapped his arm around her, resting his forehead against hers. "What time is it?"
"About four-thirty. I caught the redeye. Shelby helped me."
"I'm really glad you're here." His hand skimmed over her side and down her bare hip. "And I like this thing you're wearing. The only thing that would look better on you is nothing."
Brenda grinned impishly. She moved closer to him, stopping when her lips were just a hair away from his. "You think? You just want to see Shirley." She could feel his breath on her lips.
He laughed. "I not only want to see Shirley, I want to touch her. But don't worry, if you share Shirley, I'll share my joystick." He pressed his lips to hers,
"Oh, you will?" She pulled the sheet that was covering him over her as well, tangling her bare legs with his. "Is your joystick going to bring joy to both of us? Or only to you?"
He rolled her to her back, hovering over her. "Don't worry. We'll be going for a high score, and I won't stop until game over."
She rolled her eyes. "I'm married to a nerd. Videogame references in the bedroom. Who would have guessed?"
He pressed his lips to hers, kissing her with all the pent-up passion he felt for her. He wasn't sure what he'd do if she got scared again, but he'd do his best to make sure that didn't happen.
He moved one leg over hers, effectively trapping her beneath him. "So glad you came here."
She smiled and nodded. "Me too. I wasn't sure if it was the right thing to do, but after we talked tonight, I knew I had to try. What time is your first meeting tomorrow?"
"I don't have to be up and out of here until ten. We have all the time in the world." He plucked at the spaghetti straps that were keeping the top of her négligée in place. "I think Laverne and Shirley are too hot. We need to help them cool off." He waited to see how she'd react to that, half afraid she'd tell him to stop.
"They are. Besides, Laverne is convinced that if you see her, you won't love Shirley best."
He laughed softly. "Where have you been hiding all my life?" He got to his knees and urged her to hers, pulling the soft pink babydoll nightgown over her head. "Well, hello there, Laverne and Shirley. I've been very anxious to meet you two." His hands came up to cup her breasts in his hands.
"I hope you're not disappointed." Her breasts weren't exactly small, but they weren't large either. She felt like they were adequate, but she still worried.
He shook his head, his eyes wide. "Nothing about you could disappoint me. You're beautiful."
"I think you're pretty wonderful." Somehow, the day before, when they texted and Skyped throughout the day, had made her appreciate him more than she had. He was very special. She moved closer to him, realizing then he'd been sleeping in nothing.
His lips lowered to hers, and he kissed her, his thumbs and fingers tweaking at her nipples. "I want to make love to you."
Brenda nodded slowly. "It's time."
Daniel wasn't sure if he was more relieved or more excited by her words. He pushed her down onto her back, his hands roaming her body freely. He pushed off the matching panties she wore with her gown, one of his legs moving between hers.
She ran her hands over his shoulders and chest, loving the feel of his skin under her hands. Looking up into his chocolate brown eyes, she could almost see sparks in them. "What are you thinking?"
He chuckled. "Not sure you want to know. I'm worried I won't be able to go slow enough to make it good for you. That's the main thing."
"Really?" she asked. "Cuz I'm wondering how it's going to feel when you slide your joystick inside of me. I want to feel you touch me all over." She pulled him down for a kiss, wrapping one leg around the leg he had between hers. "What are you waiting for?"
"I'm waiting for you to be ready. I'm not going to rush this. I want to do this often, not just this once."
"Are you worried you'll make me afraid? You couldn't. I know who you are now, Daniel. You're gentle and sweet. You won't hurt me."
"Gentle and sweet? Tell that to the men I yelled at yesterday for not having the speed dating center set up properly." He leaned down and nipped her bottom lip, his knee going to her core to press against her. "How did I get lucky enough to find you? I need to send Dr. Lachele a huge bonus."
She laughed. "I was just thinking the same thing. Of course, I'll have to borrow money to do it now that I'm unemployed."
He moved his hand down between their bodies to toy with her. As soon as he touched between her legs, she gasped, arching up under him. "You like that?"
Brenda nodded. "A lot. Do it some more!"
He put one thumb on her button as he slid a finger inside her, slowly moving it around. He didn't want to hurt her, and he was afraid it was inevitable this time. "As much as you want, my dear."
When he finally covered her body with his, she was writhing beneath him. She clutched his shoulders, her nails digging in slightly. "I need you!"
He slowly pressed inside her, watching her face for signs of pain. When he reached her barrier, he moved quickly past it, seating himself completely within her. "Are you all right?" he asked.
She nodded, taking stock. "I think so." She wrapped her legs around his, thrusting her hips up toward him. "You need to move!"
He chuckled, kissing her passionately, his body starting to move at the same time. Minutes later, he felt her clench around him as she cried out, and he was able to let go, pouring his seed within her.
He rolled to her side, pulling her close to him, his hands roaming over her back.
She snuggled close to him, happy to be alive. "That was nice. We'll have to do it again sometime." Her eyes were already drifting closed. She brushed her cheek against his shoulder, almost like a cat would rub against its owner's legs.
He wanted to protest her use of the word "nice," but she'd had a long day, and was too sleepy. He gathered her even closer and closed his eyes.
She tried to pull away. "Do you want me to go to the other room?" Brenda asked, worried he didn't want her there now that he was finished with her. She had no desire to ever move again, but if it would make him more comfortable, she'd do it.
Daniel looked at her with his brows drawn together in confusion. "Do you want to?"
She shook her head, embarrassed to admit it. She wanted to stay here with him.
He felt a huge sense of relief at her words. The idea of her leaving him after making love was unacceptable to him. "Stay. I need you here."
Her eyes drifted closed, her head on his pillow.
Daniel watched her sleep for a while before drifting off himself. Want her to leave? Never!
Brenda woke up to Daniel fully dressed in a suit and tie, leaning over the bed kissing her. "I have to go. I'll be back around one, and we'll go to lu
nch. You keep sleeping."
She lazily reached an arm up and pulled him down closer, kissing him one last time. "Hurry."
"I will." He straightened and she watched him leave the room.
Her eyes closed, and she drifted back to sleep.
* * *
When Brenda opened her eyes again, it was just past noon. She groaned, feeling sore all over. Not only had she made a dozen trips up and down the stairs at her old apartment yesterday, she then got on a plane and traveled over fifteen-hundred miles, and then she'd made love for the first time. It made sense that she was sore.
She rolled out of bed, and went to the adjoining bathroom. Quickly showering, she dressed in a skirt and nice top. She didn't know where he'd take her for lunch, but she wanted to be ready for anything.
When Daniel returned, she was sitting on the first floor in the small sitting area. She had her Kindle on her lap, but she couldn't pay attention to it. They needed to talk. She knew it was too soon, but she was in love with her husband. And he had a right to know.
Daniel opened the door to the suite, looking around. Was she upstairs? He took a few steps further into the suite, so he could see the sitting area. There she was. His eyes met hers. "You look so serious. Is something wrong?"
He seemed almost afraid to her. Brenda shook her head. "I'm just hungry. I haven't had anything to eat since dinner last night."
He sat beside her on the couch, drawing her to him. "We have a couple of options for lunch. We can go to the hotel restaurant. We can go find somewhere else to eat outside the hotel. We can go to Reunion Tower, which is a huge revolving restaurant that is connected to the hotel. Or we can order room service, and spend some more quality time together."
Brenda wasn't sure her body could handle any more quality time right then. "Can we go to the restaurant here? Is it noisy?"